So far, I've applied for a visa (fingers crossed that it gets accepted). I have my plane tickets with which I'll be gone mid-January through the end of June. Crazy! I've gotten a ridiculous amount of shots. Soon, I should be making contact with some of the staff at the Center.
This trip becomes more and more real everyday and, most of the time, I can't wait. Please be praying for those times when I question the decision. And, be praying for the staff and youth at the Center. I truly believe God goes beyond the lines of culture and can't wait to see how that truth plays out. I'm pumped! Please join me in being pumped!
A quick history and description of Kenyan culture soon to come...
So excited for you Alina. Servicing the Lord in a far off land is a passion I share with my children who have been to several countries between them: Kazakstan, Romania, Peru, Siberia, Ethiopia to name a few. Papa (Uncle Tom) and I are in the very early stages of planning a missions trip to Kenya and Ethiopia in October 2012 for 2+ weeks. Praying and checking things out right now. I will be praying for you. What a wonderful opportunity for you. Will you be going with a team? What will you be doing primarily when you are there? Blessings, Glenda