Thursday, November 24, 2011

The Start of Something New...

My hope is to use this blog to keep everyone updated on my experiences leading up to and during my time at the CYEC in Kenya.

So far, I've applied for a visa (fingers crossed that it gets accepted). I have my plane tickets with which I'll be gone mid-January through the end of June. Crazy! I've gotten a ridiculous amount of shots. Soon, I should be making contact with some of the staff at the Center.

This trip becomes more and more real everyday and, most of the time, I can't wait. Please be praying for those times when I question the decision. And, be praying for the staff and youth at the Center. I truly believe God goes beyond the lines of culture and can't wait to see how that truth plays out. I'm pumped! Please join me in being pumped! 

A quick history and description of Kenyan culture soon to come...

1 comment:

  1. So excited for you Alina. Servicing the Lord in a far off land is a passion I share with my children who have been to several countries between them: Kazakstan, Romania, Peru, Siberia, Ethiopia to name a few. Papa (Uncle Tom) and I are in the very early stages of planning a missions trip to Kenya and Ethiopia in October 2012 for 2+ weeks. Praying and checking things out right now. I will be praying for you. What a wonderful opportunity for you. Will you be going with a team? What will you be doing primarily when you are there? Blessings, Glenda
